The spring and summer months are fast approaching which means that events season will soon be in full swing with festivals, concerts, sporting tournaments and family fun days to look forward to.
Inherent with any type of event is an element of risk, whether it’s large crowds, physical activities, consumption of alcohol or potential hazards, and taking necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of attendees is crucial – that’s where having the appropriate medical cover can make a huge impact.
In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of adequate event medical cover and how providers like Proparamedics can assist.
Forward Planning
As the old adage goes, ‘prevention is better than cure,’ which is very true when it comes to event medical cover. Effective prior planning including conducting thorough risk assessments could mean the difference between life and death in many circumstances.
Taking time to assess the risks means that event organisers can identify potential hazards and take proactive steps to mitigate them. This might include implementing crowd control measures, having designated First Aid stations dispersed throughout the venue and educating event staff on how to maintain a safe environment for all attendees.
If you choose Proparamedics as your medical provider, our team will assist with carrying out risk assessments and can make recommendations depending on the results.
Rapid Response to Medical Emergencies and Incidents
Accidents and incidents can happen unexpectedly at events. Often injuries and incidents can range from medical emergencies like heart attacks and strokes to minor cuts and scrapes.
Regardless of the condition, a medical team can provide immediate care, work to stabilise the patient, transfer to hospital and ultimately, save lives and prevent further injury.
At Proparamedics, our team has completed ACT / JESIP training, which means that we’re also able to deal with major incidents and mass casualties. Additionally, our medical response vehicles are fully furnished with the latest medical equipment to cater for every condition.
Effective Communication with Emergency Services
In the event of a larger incident occurring, being able to communicate effectively with other members of the emergency services like the Fire and Rescue Service or Police, is vitally important.
Trained medical personnel have the capability to treat patients as well as giving clear and concise directions to other emergency service teams about the location of the incident as well as background information on the condition of patients. This ensures quick action and a co-ordinated response from all emergency service personnel which can help to save lives and prevent any further injuries from occurring.
Irrespective of how large or small an event is, having adequate medical cover should be the highest priority. A little prior planning can go a long way to ensuring a safe event and having medical personnel on site who are able to deal with any eventuality could prevent unnecessary injuries and in the worst case, death.
For more information about Proparamedics’ event medical cover, contact the team today. Email: or call: 028 9023 2373.