Our Training Manager, Megan Hamill, went under the Belfast Live Spotlight, to tell us all about her role and even some lesser-known facts about her. Find out more below!
1). What do you do (in 10 words or fewer)?
I run and manage Proparamedics’ Training Department.
2). Three main attributes you need for the job?
Resilience, adaptability, passion
3). Path to this position?
I completed a Law Degree at Queen’s University, Belfast alongside a level 3, 4 and 5 in Business Management. I then went on to do my FREC 3 and the medical courses that are necessary for working operationally within Proparamedics. I also hold a teaching qualification, which enables me to teach First-Aid, alongside a number of other courses, and an Internal Quality Assurance qualification.
4). What’s your dream job (present position excepted)?
I’m a huge animal lover – horses in particular – so if it weren’t for my role with Proparamedics, working with animals is likely what I would be doing instead. Outside of work, I also offer animal halotherapy, which is a natural remedy that aids skin and respiratory conditions, and I thoroughly enjoy it.
5). What are you most proud of (work-wise)?
Perhaps a lesser-known fact, but Proparamedics is a family run business which was founded by my late uncle, John in 1999. My mum, Heather is the current Managing Director and my dad, brother and sister have all worked within the company at one stage or another. Proparamedics has a strong family ethos meaning that we care for each one of our patients as if they were members of our own family and I think that’s what I’m most proud of.
Our expert staff work hard to serve the community of Northern Ireland and provide the highest quality care to our patients and their families.
6). What are you most proud of (in life)?
Horses are a huge part of my life – ever since I was able to sit up, I was sitting on a horse. One thing I am passionate about is producing young horses and giving them the best start to their journey. Training young horses is a very rewarding job and I feel so privileged to be able to produce these wonderful animals from a very early age. Over the past year, I have enjoyed breaking in two three-year-old horses that have since gone on to win numerous championships and supreme championships this summer.
7). How did the coronavirus pandemic affect your organisation and how did you adapt?
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was particularly challenging for my team as we were unable to provide training and therefore, the department couldn’t function in the capacity it had before. The void left by the lack of events and sporting matches was quickly filled by supporting the NHS to transfer COVID patients, to administer vaccinations and our Infection Prevention Control team were on hand to assist whenever they were needed.
8). What lessons did you learn about yourself during lockdown?
Lockdown was a great reminder that life doesn’t always have to be so fast paced. I think there is a tendency to wear being busy like a badge of honour, instead of making more time to enjoy the moment and the smaller things in life.
9). Who is Northern Ireland’s brightest business brain?
I’m continually impressed by the trailblazers in the Northern Ireland business world and what they have achieved; it would be impossible to choose just one.
10). What do you wish you had invented?
A dream recorder! I would love to be able to record my dreams and watch them back afterwards.
11). Favourite App on your phone?
WhatsApp and the torch!
12). Apart from Belfast Live and your own, what’s your favourite website?
eBay is great for picking up a bargain.
13). If you were spending the day in Belfast, where is your dream breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks?
I love coffee so I would start my day at Established for breakfast, before moving on to Home for lunch and then ending the day at the Northern Whig – great food, great cocktails and a homely vibe – what more could you want?
14). Where’s your hidden gem in Northern Ireland?
I love Glenariff Forest Park, outside Ballymena – the scenery and waterfalls are just beautiful.
15). Where’s your favourite place in the world?
Our family homeplace in Donaghadee
16). How would you describe Belfast to someone who’s never been?
Belfast is a vibrant and modern city with an interesting history. With so much to do and see, it’s well worth a visit.
17). In 10 years’ time, I’d like to…
I love travelling to new places so in ten years’ time, I would love to have seen the Northern Lights and visited Meganisi, in Greece.